Our Services

NDIS self or plan-managed may be able to use current NDIS plan. Contact us for details.


NDIS self or plan-managed may be able to use current NDIS plan. Contact us for details. 〰️

One-on-One PEERS® Program

Learn how to navigate the social world with one-on-one lessons with a PEERS® accredited trainer via Zoom or in person. This modified one-on-one format is suitable for people who would like more individualised coaching. Participation by a parent or nominated social coach (teacher, friend, sibling, or carer) is encouraged but not required. Following the PEERS® program but working one-on-one, we can take you through the program in the comfort of your home via Zoom or, if you are in the Melbourne region, in the comfort of your home. If you have a particular situation that you would like to work on, we can tailor the program to your needs.

Age range: 8 - adult.

Length: 10-14 Sessions, depending on individual interests. (30-minute session for ages 8-11, 1 hr sessions for 12+)

NDIS participants who are self or plan-managed may be able to use their current NDIS plan.

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What we offer

One-on-One Friendship Bootcamp

This bootcamp focuses on the following topics within the PEERS program:

  • Conversation skills

  • Finding a source of friends

  • Planning and organising get togethers

  • Forming and maintaining friendships

  • Managing Conflict

Age Range: 11 to adult

Length: 2 x 3hr sessions

NDIS participants who are self or plan-managed may be able to use their current NDIS plan.

Book phone call to arrange appointment

Online Group Bootcamps

Get ready to supercharge your social skills with PEERS® Bootcamps! Perfect for teens and young adults, our bootcamps are jam-packed with evidence-based techniques to help you conquer any social situation. These programs offer a condensed version of our full PEERS® program, with a focus on specific skills tailored to one particular social category. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to boost your social skills and connect with others like never before!

Ages 11 - young adult (Similar ages will be grouped together.)

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Online 16-Week Group Workshops

Over two terms (8 sessions each term) learn how to make and keep friends using the PEERS® approach.

Participants in the program will receive targeted skills training through step-by-step instruction and role-play demonstrations, followed by the opportunity to practice the newly learned skills through behavioural rehearsal exercises. These exercises will take place in small breakout groups, with direct coaching from the program team.

Simultaneously, parents/social coaches will attend a separate group to learn how to coach participants and provide constructive feedback.

To attend the program, adolescents and young adults must be socially motivated and bring a social coach to each session. Social coaches, such as parents, family members, adult siblings or support workers will attend separate sessions where they will be taught how to provide feedback and practical support during weekly socialisation homework.

The program will meet once a week for 90 minutes for 16 weeks.

Age range 11-young adult. Similar ages will be grouped together.

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Dating Etiquette Bootcamp

This bootcamp focuses on the following topics within the PEERS program:

  • Dating etiquette

  • Letting someone know you like them

  • Choosing appropriate people to date

  • Asking someone on a date

  • Flirting appropriately

  • Relationship boundaries

  • Handling rejection

Age Range: 16+

Length: 2 x 3hr sessions

NDIS participants who are self or plan-managed may be able to use their current NDIS plan

PEERS® for Careers

No matter what stage of your career you are at, the PEERS® program can help you progress. Social and relationship skills are important in the workplace. Employers are looking for people who can relate to others and will promote people with good social skills over those just as qualified who don’t. The program offers one-on-one coaching in networking, small talk, and relationship building for the workplace.

Age 16+

Length: 1 hour sessions via telehalth.

Subjects: Customised to your individual needs.

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