Resources for online training:

Session 1 Trading Information and Starting Conversations


Session 1: Trading Information and Starting a Conversation

In this session, you learned how to trade information in a conversation to find common interests and develop close friendships. The rules for trading information are:

•        Ask the other person about him or herself (e.g., their likes, interests, hobbies)

•        After the other person finishes, answer your question.

o       Share something related about yourself (e.g., your likes, interests, hobbies)

•        Find common interests.

o        The goal of trading information is to find common interests.

o       Friendships are based on shared interests.

o        Identify things you can talk about and you can do together.

o        Find out what the other person does not like so you can avoid doing these things together

•        Share the conversation.

o        Give the person a chance to ask you a question or make a comment.

o        Pause occasionally to let the other person direct the conversation.

•        Don't be a conversation hog.

o        Don't monopolise the conversation.

o        Don't brag about yourself.

o        Try not to interrupt.

o        Let the other person talk.

o        Ask the person what they like.

•        Don't be an interviewer.

o        Don't ask question after question.

o        Ask the other person questions and then share things about yourself.

o        Make sure all your questions and comments relate to the topic.

•        Don't get too personal at first.

o       This may make the other person uncomfortable.

o        They may be less willing to talk to you in the future.

•        Assess interest.

o       You may need to ensure the person is interested in the conversation.

o        Ask yourself these questions to assess interest:

■       Are they talking to me?

■       Are they looking at me?

■       Are they facing me?

Homework Assignment

Here are some suggested homework assignments to practice these new social skills.

1.      Practice trading information with family this week.

a.      With your family member or a social couch (friend, teacher, etc) you can go over the rules for trading information from this handout before practising.

b.      Find one common interest with this person by asking questions.

c.      After identifying common interests, answer this question, "What could we do with that information if we were going to hang out?"

Troubleshoot problems:

o        Do not expect to master these skills immediately, social skills take practice.

o        Review the roleplay videos, and summary notes and try again!