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Navigating the Lost Art of Phone Calls: A Guide for Parents

In the age of instant messaging and emoji-laden conversations, it's no secret that teenagers often find themselves at a loss when making phone calls. While texting dominates their communication landscape, there are still situations where talking on the phone is unavoidable. In this blog post, we'll explore the steps parents can share with their teenagers to help them master the art of initiating and concluding phone conversations.

Starting Phone Calls:

Ask for the Person: Encourage your teenager to inquire if the person they call is available politely. This step helps set the tone for a respectful conversation.

Say Who You Are: Remind them to introduce themselves, even if the person on the other end has caller ID. This simple gesture establishes a connection and avoids any potential confusion.

Ask How They Are: Cultivate the habit of showing genuine interest in the other person by asking about their well-being. This creates a friendly atmosphere and eases the conversation.

Ask If They Can Talk: Given teenagers' busy schedules, it's essential to check if the other person is available for a conversation at that moment. Respect for the other person's time is crucial.

Give a Cover Story: Emphasise the importance of providing a reason for the call. It could be as simple as wanting to check in on them or sharing a specific purpose for the conversation.

Ending Phone Calls:

Wait for a Bit of a Pause: Teach your teenager to identify natural pauses in the conversation before initiating the conclusion. Interrupting abruptly can create an awkward ending.

Give a Cover Story for Why You Have to Go: Similar to starting a call, it's crucial to have a reason for ending it. Whether it's returning to work or focusing on studies, a cover story provides a smooth exit.

Tell the Person It Was Nice Talking: Instil the habit of expressing gratitude for the conversation. This small courtesy adds a cheerful touch to the interaction.

Tell the Person You Will Talk to Them Later: Offer reassurance that the conversation isn't the end of your communication. This leaves the door open for future interactions.

Say Goodbye: Encourage your teenager to conclude the call with a simple and friendly goodbye. This helps avoid any lingering awkwardness.

In a world dominated by rapid digital communication, phone etiquette may seem like a lost art to teenagers. As parents, it's our responsibility to guide them through the intricacies of talking on the phone. By imparting these simple steps, we can help our teenagers navigate phone conversations confidently and gracefully, ensuring they are well-prepared for various social scenarios.