The Three Types of Friends and How to Cultivate Them

Ever thought about how many mates you really need? Social researchers have done some digging into this, to work out if there’s a magic number for your social crew.

Sounds a bit odd, right? But it’s actually pretty important for your overall health and well-being. Friendship levels have been on a downward slide in Australia for a while now, and guess what? The recent pandemic hit fast-forward on that trend. Less friends can mean more loneliness and stress, which can mess with your head and your health.

But there’s also such a thing as having too many mates. Spread yourself too thin and you might feel frazzled, forgetful, and not exactly on top of your game emotionally.

So, it’s worth taking a second to check in on your social scene and maybe do a bit of tweaking. Here’s a simple way to break it down: think about your mates in three buckets — casual mates, regular buddies, and close friends.

The Three Types of Mates and How to Hang with Them

Casual Mates

These are the folks whose numbers you’ve got, but you don’t exactly have a hotline to their DMs. Maybe they’re just work mates or folks you bump into now and then. These connections aren’t super deep, but they’re easy to come by.

If you’re up for expanding this crew, why not check out some group l activities such as Meet Up groups or community house activities. Meeting up with folks who share your interests at events like these can open the door to new casual connections.

Regular Buddies

These are the mates you hang out with fairly often. They might not be your ride-or-die crew, but they’re always up for a casual chat. It’s good to have a handful of these — say around five — to keep your social calendar buzzing without overwhelming yourself.

To level up these friendships, why not take your casual connections to the next level? Invite them for coffee, host a dinner party, or invite them to a movie. It’s amazing how a good chat and some laughs can turn a casual vibe into a regular thing.

Close Friends

These are your ride-or-dies — the ones who’ve got your back through thick and thin. It’s great to have at least one of these in your circle, but a few more won’t hurt. Just remember, you can’t be super tight with everyone you know — it’s just not sustainable.

To build these bonds, think about getting closer to your regular buddies or reconnecting with old friends. Sometimes all it takes is a heartfelt chat or a shared experience to deepen a connection.

Making New Connections

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary but totally worth it. That’s where the good stuff happens, right? And the best way to meet new friends is to hang out where your interests lie.

In a nutshell, having a mix of mates — from casual acquaintances to ride-or-die friends — is key to living your best social life. It’s all about finding that sweet spot that keeps you feeling connected and happy.

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Why do we need friends anyway?